Solis Software Solutions
Lease Management
Streamline, simplify and automate your lease operations with the Solis Lease Management Software
Solis Lease Management Software enables managing effectively financial and operating leases in multiple currencies, with fixed, variable or progressive rates. It regulates the end-to-end leasing process through automatic flows, which is linked with the authorities via the Mauritius Credit Information Bureau (MCIB). It also comprises of deposits module which allows recording of deposits and calculation and payment of interest due. This software is fully integrated to Solis Accounting.

workflows and task list per user

via the Mauritius Credit Information Bureau (MCIB)

and rescheduling of leases
A front-to-back, modular and interoperable solution with tools to optimise the management of financial and operating leases.
- All transactions to be audited (creation and modification)
- Sensitive fields secured and accessed by only authorised users
- Sensitive functions and data modification audited
- Access rights on each and every function on each screen per user/group
- Access rights to create/modify/delete records
- Exporting of data on screen to excel
- Emailing facility to users and customers
- Multi-currency
- Stages defined for each workflow
- Colour coding for stages
- Approval from one stage to the other
- Emailing to specific users at each stage and more
- Task list per user
- Suppliers, nationalities, currencies, asset categories, assets, asset details, banks, sectors, lease types
- Agents, financial modes, lease status, insurance, risk category, termination reasons
- Type: individuals/ joint individual/ corporate
- Customer workflow: new, release, cancel, approve, un-approve
- Summary of all leases and deposits and their status and follow-up for each customer file
- Process for KYC validation
- Maintenance of black/ caution list
- Date and reasons for addition and removal from caution list
- Lease workflow: new, release, cancel, committee approval, approve, unapproved, disburse, mature
- Fixed and variable interest, prorate interest accrual after disbursement and interest and rental adjustments due to PLR change and letters to clients
- Payment frequency (monthly, quarterly, half yearly, yearly)
- Fees management (processing, registration, survey, legal, recovery, etc.)
- Setting moratorium, waiving capital and/or interest, penalty for predefined periods
- User-defined templates for contracts’ facility letter, letter to supplier and more
- Reports in both local currency (MUR) and foreign currency
- Interface to MCIB in local and foreign currencies: Generating XML file and importing acknowledgment file
- Transfer/repossess of lease
Insurance renewal report (mail to client where not yet renewed)
- Workflow: new, release, cancel, approve, unapproved, mature
- Interest schedule monthly, quarterly, half yearly, yearly, maturity
- Fixed and variable interest rate
- Interest adjustments due to PLR change and letters to clients
- Interest schedule based on both anniversary date and end of month
- Interest rate automatic (defined in rates table as per duration and periodicity)
- Direct integration to Solis Accounting system (Finance and Operating Leases and Deposit)
- Disbursement, billing and receipts transactions
- Manage delinquent accounts – predefined rules based on overdue period
- Exporting/ importing direct debit and standing order, bank transfer transactions
- System generated emails to clients – lease statement of accounts, lease maturing letters among others.
- Debtors follow-up (phone calls, next meeting)
- Attorneys claims
- Seizure of assets
- Repossession of assets
Flexibility & Performance

are highly configurable and integrated. We provide full customisation to adapt the solution to your exact requirements.

to increase your business sustainability.
Our software solutions are highly configurable and integrated.
Choose Solis Lease Management Software
Manage the life cycle of your B2B and B2C leasing contracts from a single market-recognised solution.